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Superheroes: unit vocabulary

This is a list of a few useful or interesting words you'll find in this unit. You probably know some of them already, while others might be new to you.
Take some time to get to know them all before you get started!
Word: characteristic
  • Definition: a special quality that makes something different from other things
  • Sentence: What do you think is a more important characteristic of a good superhero: courage or strength?
Word: consequently
  • Definition: as a result
  • Sentence: The evil Dr. Saber-Tooth stepped into a puddle of super-slime, and consequently destroyed his favorite boots.
Word: hostile
  • Definition: very unfriendly; describing an enemy
  • Sentence: Mera knew the bandits must be hostile when she saw them burning all the books in the village.
Word: immortal
  • Definition: unable to die; everlasting
  • Sentence: Superheroes are strong and smart, but they usually aren’t immortal—many meet their doom fighting against evil.
Word: impact
  • Definition: a powerful effect
  • Sentence: If you think about how many superhero costumes you see every Halloween, you can begin to understand the impact of superheroes on our world.
Word: indicate
  • Definition: to show, or point out, something
  • Sentence: “Do you have super itchy palms?” Mentor Mind asked me. “Sometimes itchy palms indicate that you will be able to walk through walls.”
Word: maximize
  • Definition: to get or make the most out of something
  • Sentence: At Heroes, Inc. we aim to help you maximize your strengths and overcome your weaknesses.
Word: noble
  • Definition: showing or having good qualities, like honesty and bravery
  • Sentence: Some people think the Hulk is the most noble superhero because he is always honest.
Word: reflect
  • Definition 1: when sound or light bounce off an object
  • Sentence: The sun reflected off of Captain America’s shield and blinded Red Skull.
  • Definition 2: to think carefully about something
  • Sentence: “Now I’ve realized the amazing power of my laser tusks,” reflected the Bionic Warthog, “what am I going to use them for?”
Word: retrieve
  • Definition: to bring back
  • Sentence: The Incredible Drilling Woman had to retrieve the iron stone from deep inside Mars.
Word: specific
  • Definition: exact
  • Sentence: I don’t really remember the specific time I discovered I could fly, since I was so young.
Word: telepathy
  • Definition: an imaginary or fictional way of sending thoughts from one person’s mind to another’s without using sounds or signs
  • Sentence: “Yolanda! This way!” The sound of Patrice’s voice entered my mind, but she was nowhere to be seen—I knew she must have discovered her power of telepathy.
Word: witness
  • Definition: to see or notice something
  • Sentence: If I hadn’t witnessed Spider-Man crawling up the side of the skyscraper myself, there is no way I would have believed it.